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An opportunity like no other – learn more about our Double Degree Programmes

We chatted with Corvinus alumnus Roland Sinkovits about his experiences while pursuing the Double Diploma programme. The programme allows undergraduate students studying at Corvinus to obtain a degree from a foreign university in addition to their Hungarian diploma.

Written by: Kata Hegedüs, cover picture: Roland Sinkovits

Briefly about the Double Diploma programme at Corvinus

Double degree programmes provide an opportunity for students to complete a course at a foreign partner institution simultaneously to the course they have enrolled in Hungary, and to obtain two degrees at the same time. The programme is usually shorter than the doing the courses separately. Depending on the programme, students spend a number of semesters abroad and must complete specific subjects. Among others, it is a great opportunity to gain international experience and to learn about other cultures.

When did you decide to participate in the programme?

I was pursuing my third semester in a bilateral course (bilateral course means that the sending university pays the tuition fee of the host university - ed.) at the Bentley University in Boston, in the US, which gave me incredible experiences, also professionally, and it opened up the world for me. I was living there when I applied to a French university and luckily I was accepted.

I must note that the application process was surprisingly fast, and the university was very helpful in everything, and the process of credit validation of same subjects was also very smooth. I spent two semesters at the KEDGE Business School in France in the academic year of 2018 and 2019, where I obtained the “Diplôme du Programme Supérieur de Gestion et de Commerce”, a degree in Business and Commerce, in addition to my degree in Business Administration and Management at Corvinus.

As the course was in English, it was not necessary for me to speak the local language.

However, the university quickly remedied this, as it had made compulsory to take a French language course, which also required us to take a French language exam accredited in France.

How did the programme contributed to your college years?

It gave me perseverance. I successfully graduated from a foreign university and returned home with a new, international perspective on things. At KEDGE Business School, there was no distinction between foreign and local students, I was considered an equal student, so I had to pick up the pace. The style of education there is very different compared to Hungary, in France we had to be in the university every day from eight in the morning to seven in the evening, working on projects that required a lot of motivation and perseverance. It was a special challenge and an honour to be able to represent Corvinus University at KEDGE for a year.

Image: Roland Sinkovits

During my Double Degree studies, the French state also supported me with the CAF housing allowance, which is available to all foreigners in the country. This helped me pay my monthly rent.

Moreover, thanks to the Erasmus grant, which I could apply for at beginning of the programme, I was able to cover my daily expenses too.

How did it help you professionally that you obtained two degrees from two universities at the same time?

Foreign degrees obtained as part of the double degree programmes are fully accepted, both in Hungary and internationally. It is a huge advantage in the labour market to have two degrees already at such a young age. During the programme, I expanded my international network, which is an advantage when it comes to career opportunities abroad. I am currently working as a Market Risk Analyst at Morgan Stanley, one of the world’s largest financial services providers.

What advice would you give to those who would like to apply for the Double Diploma programme?

Don’t worry, the university will support you with everything. This is a unique opportunity for those who would like to obtain a degree abroad in addition to their degree in Hungary. Anyone, who believes they can get by abroad should go for it!

We are fortunate that Corvinus is offering us the opportunity to study abroad; it is a huge challenge, but you should take advantage of it.

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