Have you ever wanted to be a blogger? To be read by peers and spread your thoughts and ideas? Luckily, the Institute of Communication and Sociology, together with the Department of Communication and Media at Corvinus University of Budapest, has announced its first Blog Post Competition entitled “Self, Screen, Success” focusing on crucial issues of New Media and Mobile Technology.

Share your personal experiences and perspectives on the topic available, without being driven by societal expectations or general opinions. You can choose one of the following topics:
Competition Topics
What does labour market not know about my generation and use of technology?
How does my smartphone affect my daily life? What does my smartphone not know about me?
I am smarter than AI because...
Application Requirements
Blog post in English with a title and a lead
Length between 6.000 and 10.000 characters, including spaces (number of characters indicated at the end of the text)
Sources (if any) indicated in a list of references at the end of the essay
Anonymous application with a chosen code name (please, indicate your code name after the title in the document and in the file name as well: blogpost_codename.pdf) - Submission in PDF format on the application form
Deadline of application: 31st October 2021, 11:59 pm (Budapest time zone)
The Corvinus University of Budapest offers the following prizes to the Students awarded in the Blog Post Competition:
purchase voucher for electronic items with a total value of 300,000 HUF for the three best authors supported by Com-Forth, delivering innovative industrial IT solutions;
book package selection;
publishing top 3 articles on our website, the Corvinus International Blog and sharing them on social media;
opportunity for top 5 authors to publish in a digital booklet collection organized by the Department of Communication and Media Science.
Contact for information: Milson Veloso (blogpost@uni-corvinus.hu)
For more information click here. Can’t wait to read your materials – join now!