Applications for international part-time study opportunities for the 2024-25 academic year open in November.

Corvinus is confident that foundation universities will soon be eligible for EU higher education funding, enabling students who are awarded an international place for the 2024-25 academic year to receive Erasmus+ support. But the University will also be able to support international part-time courses at Erasmus+ partner universities with scholarships from other sources, to the same extent as Erasmus+ funding, even if EU funding is not yet available at the time of the trips.
The University’s Board of Trustees is committed to achieving its strategic objective of enabling more students to study at our partner universities through international mobility and, where necessary, to provide the necessary funding for international part-time courses.
IMPORTANT! Bear in mind that you can only apply for semester abroad if you are a self-funded international student at Corvinus University of Budapest. Stipendium Hungaricum and Diaspora scholarship holders are not eligible.