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Budapest Blend's Sustainability Handbook for university students that will change your eco habits

Budapest Blend, the international student organization at Corvinus University, in cooperation with V4SDG (Visegrad for Sustainability) created a Sustainable Living Handbook in English, to help foreign students to live a more sustainable life and raise awareness about the impact that our actions have on the world. This Handbook includes sustainable hacks or ideas on how to live environmentally friendly, with a student budget, in Budapest.

Members of Budapest Blend immediately jumped at the opportunity of participating in this unique project. As project leaders we had Ana Cuesta from Budapest Blend and Eszter Soós from V4SDG. We also had several different contributors, Csaba Kendrella, Norbert Szépvölgyi, Federika Fait, Mátyás Révai for the content, and our graphic designer, Lam Khe, who put it all together.

V4SDG is Budapest Blend’s partner NGO. This organization is a collective of young professionals transforming sustainability affairs in Central Eastern Europe. It was created to become the organization that paves the way towards the achievement of the SDGs in Central Eastern Europe.

We saw this as a great opportunity, since one of V4SDG’s goals is to build local partnerships and raise awareness about sustainability challenges and opportunities in each of the V4 countries. Through this project, we managed to establish a new partnership with a local organization, Budapest Blend states Eszter Soós, Hungarian Country Group Member and head of this project from the side of V4SDG.

Through the pages you will find information related to different topics such as:

  • Short guide to recycling

  • Short guide to composting

  • Biking around Budapest

  • Places to visit

  • Location of sustainable shops and markets

  • Community and sustainability centers

  • Package free and zero waste shops

  • Market halls & organic produce shops

  • Parks and gardens

The Sustainability Handbook was presented to the public at the Budapest Sustainability Exchange (BSE), which was part of a series of events in the V4 countries with the aim of giving sustainability actors and young leaders the opportunity to discuss how and why the V4 must steer towards sustainability. In addition to high-level policy issues, such as smart cities, circular economies and financing the green transition, the themes of climate anxiety, youth activism and sustainable living were discussed with the same attention.

As we mentioned the handbook was primarily designed for university students, from those who’ve no previous experience with the subject to those who already have plenty. There is something in it for everyone and it is completely free!

Download here the Sustainability Handbook and bring it with you everywhere HERE!

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